Where Can You Find Help To Diagnose Your Lawn Disease?

If your lawn is getting plenty of water, sunlight and nutrients but is still not looking healthy, it may be time to consult with a lawn care specialist to diagnose whether not your lawn has a lawn disease. A well trained lawn care specialist should be able to assess the visible symptoms on your lawn to reveal what may be plaguing it.

Some of the common lawn diseases include Sclerotinia Dollar Spot, Summer Patch, Rhizoctonia Yellow Patch, Necrotic Ring Spot, Fusarium Blight and Typhula Blight (Aka: Grey Snow Mold). Some of the visible symptoms of these diseases range from small yellow patches on your lawn, to rings of brown or yellow grass, to areas that may look like they are depressed or sunken.

If you have visible symptoms of disease developing on your lawn you might want to consider jumping on the internet and doing a search for lawn care services in your local area. Most established lawn care companies will have personnel on their staff adept at identifying lawn diseases. Once you’ve consulted with an expert and your disease is identified, you can then ask your lawn care provider if they have any treatment options for your lawn disease.

Not all treatment options will require the use of a spray or chemical treatment. Some lawn diseases thrive in compacted soil so a lawn care provider may also be able to provide services to de-compact your soil, including mechanical aeration. Though aeration may not cure an existing lawn disease, having your lawn mechanically aerated once or twice per year (in the spring and/or fall) is a good preventative measure that may make your lawn less susceptible to disease in the future.

After diagnosis, you can also jump back on the internet to see what you can find to treat the specific disease your lawn is suffering from. Enviroselects.com offers multiple treatment options to treat a wide spectrum of lawn diseases, including the ones described above. One such treatment option is ZeroTol RTS which is an NOP (National Organic Program) compliant fungicide that comes in an applicator that simply attaches to your garden hose and dilutes the water with the correct dose of fungicide as you spray the infected area of your lawn.

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